Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Page 355, a little over 69K words. Yes, I didn't get much done. MY darlin husband dragged me out of the house when I got up this morning and we didn't get home until early evening. Then I had chat. *wince* I forgot to post the chat here. I'm sorry. I forgot. But, I will be home all day tomorrow. And I don't told the hubby, he drags me out and I hurt him really bad. Tomorrow, this book finishes. Of course, it might have actually went faster tonight if Scheme hadnt decided to throw a kink in my plans I was all ready to head into the ending and she decided she could be just as much a bad girl as Tanner is a bad boy. I believe she's defintely a good match for my wild Bengal.
But now, I am heading for bed. Its almost three thirty in the morning, and I'm whipped.
See ya'll tomorrow, uhhh morning. LOL.
Be watching, as soon as I finish, I will be sending another excerpt here.

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