Thursday, August 17, 2006

Well, it's nearly midnight now. I had hoped to finish 100 pages today, but I only made it to 64. But I did have company for about three and a half hours, and we had dinner, and I had to talk to the people creating the video trailer for Dangerous Games, which is going to be HOT LOL, so I'm excusing not meeting the 100 pages for the day.
But, the book is more than halfway finished. It began on August 1st and today is just the 17th, so its going really well. Hopefully, I can do the 100 pages tomorrow after I get back from the store.
Have you been wondering who the spy is in Sanctuary? I think we'll find that one out in this book. We're returning to Sanctuary in the second part of Tanner's Scheme, and we'll meet a few old favorites. Callan and Merinus, their son and perhaps even Cassie. I'd love to see Cassie again. I bet she's absolutely beautiful. Its been five years since we've seen her. She's about sixteen now, and I bet she's a handful. I wonder if she still sees her ghosts?
Well, I'm heading to bed. Hopefully, I'll have more updates tomorrow night and perhaps even a teasing or two to tempt you with.

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